Boost Your Confidence with 5 Self-Appreciation Techniques

In the realm of personal branding and image, self-confidence is the keystone. Having spent over a decade in this field, I’ve seen firsthand how essential it is for both personal and professional success. But what truly is self-confidence? How can one achieve it? A quick Google search might tell you to “believe in yourself” or “stay true to who you are,” but these phrases often feel too broad to be actionable.

One definition that stands out comes from Mel Robbins, who suggests that confidence isn’t a feeling but rather materializes through actions—through trying. Yet, at the core of this action-driven confidence is self-awareness and understanding your values. With these foundations in mind, I present five self-assessment techniques to boost your confidence. These tools will enhance various aspects of your life, empowering you to offer the world what only you can.

Understanding Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the recognition and appreciation of who you are, with all your strengths and weaknesses. It allows you to make decisions from a place of authenticity and security, and is fundamental to your personal and professional growth. However, it is difficult to recognise our own value because we also see ourselves through the eyes of others, we have limiting beliefs or past experiences that have affected our self-esteem. To overcome these limiting beliefs it is necessary to know and recognise ourselves (we are constantly changing). This is a matter of looking in the mirror, literally and figuratively, and accepting the good and the not-so-good, as well as your triumphs and mistakes, which are all part of who you are.
Figura de mujer alzando el brazo en señal de victoria mientras contempla un amanecer en la cima de una montaña, simbolizando el empoderamiento y la autoconfianza.

Technique 1: Take action

Confidence does not come from perfection, it comes from action. It is the willingness to try, regardless of the outcome, especially when you feel anxious or doubtful about your abilities. A clear example is when you are faced with a task that seems too difficult; simply stepping up and starting makes all the difference. This technique focuses on the power of repetition and practice to build competence. Each action makes you more resistant to those feelings of doubt and anxiety and brings you closer to your goals, which in turn builds your confidence. Just get started.

Technique 2: Change the point of view

Creating an alter ego can help you change the way you see the world. This is the version of you that you want to be in the future. By distancing yourself from your insecurities, you can act with more confidence and conviction. Imagine how your 4.0 version would behave in different situations and allow this to guide your actions. This technique not only helps you to act with more confidence, but also allows you to visualise and work towards the confidence you want to achieve. The way I have found to work best is to write down this conversation with this alter ego.

Technique 3: Preparation

Preparation is closely linked to competence, and achieving mastery in any area requires constant practice. This is where your values come into play, because if you value what you do, passion will follow. Passion is like the fuel you need to develop competence. Think of a musician who practices his instrument every day; the more he plays, the more skilled he becomes. The same applies to any skill or task you want to master. Spend time preparing and you will see your confidence in your abilities grow. Set up a study or practice plan.

Technique 4: Change your mentality

By this I mean changing your mindset about what it means to fail. Instead of seeing failures as failures or mistakes, start to see them as information, as learning opportunities. Everything that doesn’t go your way contains a lesson that can build your resilience and help you face future challenges. Mistakes are an essential part of life and can be turning points that lead you to success… It happened to Thomas Edison. Analyse these failures and ask yourself what they mean. Use this knowledge to develop strategies that will help you change course and move you closer to success.

Technique 5: Self-Care and Positive Affirmations

Confidence comes from within. It is important to look inward and think about how you can enhance the unique things you possess, rather than comparing yourself to those around you. People around you have different things to offer the world. Focus on your own journey and appreciate your uniqueness. Practice positive affirmations every day, such as ‘I have unlimited potential’ or ‘I value my skills and contributions’. These affirmations build self-esteem and promote a positive mindset.
These five self-evaluation techniques not only boost your confidence and self-assurance, but also strengthen the connection with your personal and professional values. Start by incorporating these practices into your daily life, even if it’s just one, and you will see improvements not only in your confidence but also in your ability to face challenges and contribute to the world in a genuine way.
Lia Correal coaching imagen

Lia Correal

Asesora de Imagen y Color / Coach Ontológica certificada.