October Self-Care Tips: Refresh Your Mind and Closet for Autumn

Autumn is here. Although autumn isn’t experienced globally in the same way, its energy is universally felt, even in the Southern Hemisphere. This presents the perfect opportunity to understand the concept of the Five Elements, especially the metal element, and how they can interact to transform our lives and spaces.

Metal Is More Than Just an Element.

Metal is one of the five essential elements in the creation process, according to oriental cosmology, alongside water, wood, fire, and the earth, according to oriental cosmology. When autumn approaches, the energy of Metal surrounds us. People dress and seek to be cozy for the season, and this reflects in how they act. We become more introspective, and even nature begins its preparation for the colder months.

The Art of Detachment: The Autumn Cleanse

Autumn, with its Metal energy, speaks of the contraction process—letting go of what isn’t essential—and provides us with the perfect excuse for an ‘autumn clean-up’ in our lives. It’s not just your closet, but your home and mind as well. Consider it a treasure hunt; just as silver and gold were precious to ancient civilizations, discover what is truly precious to you.

Simple Practices for Detachment

A straightforward way to work with detachment and autumn energy is to understand it as ‘letting go.’ We can release numerous things: relationships, clothing items, objects, emotions, or expired food in your kitchen. As nature sheds its leaves and branches for a new change, this period allows us to follow suit.

Using the Five Elements to Balance Your Energy

Use the number 5 as your guide, which symbolizes the completeness of creation in Oriental philosophy. Spend 5 minutes every day organizing an area of your life, or get rid of 5 things you no longer need. It doesn’t only have to be physical objects; you can also free yourself from emotions or habits that no longer serve you. This technique will help you simplify and focus on what’s truly important.
Remember, everything in life—from your closet to your emotions—holds energy. This autumn, use the wisdom of the Autumn Metal Element to reorganize and revitalize your life. Embrace the energy of the season and bring a refreshing change to your mind and closet.
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Lia Correal

Asesora de Imagen y Color / Coach Ontológica certificada.